Hillary Clinton Is Coming to the Rescue of Vulnerable Democrats — Or So They've Heard

For nervous Democrats looking to hold on to their seats in Congress and keep their tenuous majority in the Senate, help is on the way. But at least one of them didn't even know it.
Politico revealed today that Hillary Clinton will be hitting the trail hard over the next 32 days. The former secretary of state has "mapped out much of her political schedule through Election Day, an itinerary that focuses on helping Senate candidates and includes trips to a half-dozen states, including Kentucky and presidential early states Iowa and New Hampshire." She'll also be making appearances to support an unknown number of endangered Democratic governors.
This development came as news to one of the candidates on Clinton's roadmap, New Hampshire Sen. Jeanne Shaheen.
The political director of WMUR, one of the state's biggest news outlets, catalogued the awkward rollout in a series of three tweets earlier today, the first relaying a denial of firm plans from Sen. Shaheen's office.
Politico's Maggie Haberman, who first reported the story, tweeted back at McElveen, saying, "Hillary aides say she's going. Seems there isn't anything to the contrary."
And there wasn't. One minute after Haberman's response, "Dem sources" in Sen. Shaheen and Clinton's shops finished what must have been a series of confused phone calls and offered McElveen a revised response:
So it seems. Less than a half-hour after that, it became official: Hillary Clinton is headed to New Hampshire to stump for Sen. Shaheen and Gov. Hassan.
Clinton will likely have the Democratic presidential nomination if she wants it, and campaigning for friends and former colleagues is a nice touch, but stories like these only fuel concerns about her team's ability to run the eventual campaign efficiently.
A Clinton aide confirmed the details of Politico's report in an email to Mic, but declined to comment further.