Mohammed Morsi Does Not Rule Egypt, We the People Do

By Menna Alaa

Celebrations erupted in Tahrir Square as soon as Chairman of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt Farouk Sultan ended his long-lasting speech with the fateful words: Dr. Mohamed Morsy, 13,230,181 million votes. 

''We won over the flool (remnants of the old regime), Egypt is free, we are free!'' was the spirit moving the crowds to celebrate in a night that no Egyptian in the square shall ever forget. Everyone celebrated and chanted, for the moment not thinking about the fact that Mohamed Morsy might be Egypt's first toothless civilian president, a puppet of the Army.  Everyone was imagining that moment when Mohamed Morsy would first enters the presidential palace, the place from which Mubarak led a 30-year-old reign of extreme oppression and suppression. 

So, what's next for Egypt? Do we keep celebrating the victory we had over the ''flool''? Do we continue longing for the earlier days of the revolution whenever we are distressed? Do we act as watchdogs and continue serving as ''e-watchers'' of the president's new actions? Do we resort to speaking up about our thoughts only through social networks like we are doing right now? 

No, not anymore. Our job now is to get engaged in the world of politics which we have all been criticizing one way or another. Sure, our hands will get dirty sometimes, yet this will be the only way we can ensure that we ''continue'' our revolution. We have to make use of that fearless spirit that was born inside our souls during the relentless battles of the revolution.

Many say that a revolution often dies after the so called democratic procedure of voting; however they forget that a revolution never dies so long as its revolutionaries never forget the reason why they overthrew a dictator. 

So, yes Egyptians, your revolution didn't fail, even after you were entitled to pick the best of the worst candidates. Your revolution, however, needs serious revolutionary movements and political parties that will bring revolutionary acts to governmental offices and people's assemblies. Your revolution will not fail as long as its revolutionaries don't become copies of the same dictator they chanted and fought so hard to oust. It's easy to blame everyone for not ''continuing the revolution,'' but what have the revolutionaries done other than dividing and generalizing each other throughout the past 18 months? Due to our actions, we have given SCAF the power to monopolize authority, issue decrees under the excuse of it'sa ''for the country's benefit.''SCAF, however, forget that it has become evident that revolutionaries didn't mind getting shot while chanting: ''Freedom, Bread, Social Justice.'' Interacting with the street is another way to ensure that a revolution lives on, telling every citizen that he/she has the right to object to the current living conditions. It is also beneficial to engage with the 12,000,000 Shafiq supporters who didn't choose Morsy and advise them to join the opposition parties that will act as serious monitors for every action the new president takes.

The old dictatorship regime will not be resurrected as long as the revolutionaries learn the game of politics well enough and learn from their earlier mistakes. Opposing SCAF or the ruling majority (whoever it is) won't be pressurized by the usual chanting and calling for demands. Let's play their game for one, let's play politics. 

And to the President elect Mohamed Morsy, we are watching you. You control the fate of 90 million Egyptians for once. But, sorry Mr. President, we, the people, are the ones who rule.