Chris Brown and Drake Fight Over Rihanna: LAPD Officers Who Leaked Picture of Beaten Rihanna Won’t Be Charged
The ongoing drama between Chris Brown, Drake and Rihanna keeps heating the airwaves as the sultry singer of “S.O.S” recently escaped a fire in a London hotel while her “Rude Boi(s)” are still trying to decide whether they accept or not celebrity boxing promoter Damon Feldman’s $1 million offer to bring their New York City night club brawl into the actual boxing ring for a pay-per-view fight live from Las Vegas.
Meanwhile, San Antonio Spurs point guard Tony Parker is bent on making club W.i.P. pay for the potential demise of his basketball career with a $20 million lawsuit as – being present at the same place where Brown and Drake’s fight broke – he resulted with an eye injury that will leave him out of the upcoming London Olympics (where he was supposed to play for his national team of France) and could endanger the rest of his NBA career.
And just when one thought there could not be more drama to this story, the LAPD officers who leaked Rihanna’s picture after being brutally beaten up by Brown in 2009 won’t be charged, according to LA Times.
Following, Chris Brown/Drake/Rihanna ongoing drama in photos:
"Go out with Chris Brown they said, it'll be fun they said"
"I bet I can get you pretty good from here"
"I said look at the chin, not the nostril"
"Watcha say we split that million bro?"
"Split? Screw that! You're going down"
"God, what was I thinking?"
"He said what?"
"Imma good boy gone bad"
" on Twitter?"
"Dream on, boy"
"I said beat it!"
"I didn't do it"
"Silly boys"