Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Are Divorcing, and It Has to Do With Suri and Scientology
Katie is divorcing Tom. The famous Scientologist Tom Cruise has been served divorce papers by Katie Holmes. Both parties' publicists are keeping mum and focusing on their daughter, the six-year-old Suri Cruise, who might be the key to understanding the divorce.
According to several ex-Scientologist kids, as the daughter of high-level members of Sea-Org (Scientologist ministers), Suri's life is about to change. Soon she will begin to participate in Scientology camps that stress physical labor, hard sciences, and discipline. Katie and Suri would have been separated more often, and Katie's parents, who are Christian, would have been forbidden from contacting Suri.
Perhaps, Katie and Tom had irreconcilable differences on the role of Scientology in their lives and Suri's life. In the near future, expect to hear Katie Holmes speaking critically of Scientology as she separates her life from the Scientology matrix. What does that mean for her? Let's take a look at Scientology doctrine and practice.
Most people know that Scientology was founded by L. Ron Hubbard, the sci-fi writer, based on the fanatical response to his fairly sci-fi sounding interpretation of human history. Today, Scientology uses personal analysis tools like questionnaires and counseling sessions to encourage good communication, affectionate relationships, and a shared sense of reality. Scientologists are encouraged to participate in group activities, which include car washing days, luxury cruises, or rigorous exercise camps.
Not so bad? Not many people have problems with the Scientology doctrine at this level. But, as members advance, they are expected to cut off all contact with voices critical of Scientology. Also, they are expected to make larger commitments, often working 80 hours a week for very little pay, or giving huge monetary donations. The organization becomes more discipline-oriented and all consuming, as well as increasingly secretive.
Finally, lets consider the facts. Pro and anti-Scientology sources vary drastically, but accurate numbers seem to show that the organization is shrinking rapidly, which would lead to greater commitments expected from leaders like Cruise. There may be as few as 50,000 full members, with about that many trying Scientology for a few years then quitting every year. This means that nearly 95% of Scientologists are initiates who will leave within 5 years.
If Holmes is leaving, she is in good company, and she's right to get out if she, Cruise, and Suri would have been bailing out a sinking organization.