Stunning Photos of Curvy Women Prove Athleticism Comes in Every Size

Plus-size models may finally be getting the widespread attention they deserve: Tess Munster became the first model of her size and height to be signed to a major modeling agency. Now ALDA, an innovative collective of plus-size models, is also infiltrating the mainstream with a curvier aesthetic.
This collective is not content to challenge conventional standards just by daring to wear clothes larger than a sample size; they want to push back against the fashion industry's standards by promoting "a holistic view of beauty, via opportunities without categories, labels and limitations."
The most recent attempt can be found in this month's Bust magazine. The issue's "Let's get physical" athletic theme challenges society's fairly narrow understanding of what athleticism looks like.
Likewise, there's a dominant conception in our culture that larger sized bodies are inherently unhealthy ones despite the fact that multiple sources suggest weight is not a conclusive determinant of health. By donning sportswear, these plus-size models demonstrate that health comes at every size.
It's a message the public clearly needs to hear. For example, athletic-wear company Lululemon's founder Chip Wilson, who in 2013 notoriously said "some women's bodies just don't work" for his company's athletic pants. Last May, meanwhile, professional tennis player Taylor Townsend's body was critiqued, as have other female athletes' bodies also been in the past.
"Every body is beautiful and every body is different," ALDA co-founder Danielle Redman said in Bust. By not only appearing on the pages of a widely read publication, but also pushing forth a conversation about health, it appears the models behind ALDA are proving just that.