Democrats Just Had the Perfect Response to Donald Trump's Presidential Announcement

Professional clown Donald Trump announced on Tuesday in New York that he would seek the Republican presidential nomination, bringing the number of Republican candidates in the crowded field to 12.
Trump's speech was a meandering stream-of-consciousness list of the country's perceived problems, a series of digressions touching on the Islamic State, Mexican economic superiority (who knows), stealing oil from Iraq, hotel construction in Syria and a host of other far-flung policy prescriptions from the real estate mogul and reality TV star.
The Democratic National Committee responded to Trump's speech in epic fashion, releasing a statement that national press secretary Holly Shulman sent to reporters:
"Today, Donald Trump became the second major Republican candidate to announce for president in two days. He adds some much-needed seriousness that has previously been lacking from the GOP field, and we look forward to hearing more about his ideas for the nation."
This registers as a third-degree sick burn on the Official Sick Burn Scale, and Twitter — which was rapt with attention to the speech — recognized it as such:
A DNC official followed-up in an email to Mic, saying, "Such a formidable candidate should send chills down the spines of Democrats. He'll be tough to beat."
Nailed it.