Watch a Gay Couple Be Ignored and Illegally Denied a Marriage License in a Kentucky Court

More than a week after the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges granting same-sex marriage equality throughout the United States, some local county clerks around the country are defying the court's order.
The latest offender is Kim Davis, a Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk who refused to grant a marriage license Monday to David V. Moore and his partner of 17 years. In video taken of the incident, Moore and his husband-to-be are ignored in the county clerk's office and forced to wait around eight minutes on a day that was clearly not busy.
When they do finally speak to someone, they are treated with disrespect and disregard before Davis appears to eventually deny them a license.
Others coming to see the clerk were even allowed to cut in line.
Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against Davis on behalf of both gay and straight couples after the clerk decided to refuse issuing marriage licenses to protest the Supreme Court order. The video seems to indicate, however, the prohibition may have been relaxed when the couple were straight.
Efforts by Mic to reach Davis and Moore were unsuccessful.
To further bolster his case, Moore brought the clerk both a copy of the Supreme Court decision and a letter from Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear demanding all Kentucky county clerks issue marriage licenses. A frustrated employee insisted that as a Christian, Davis had the right to refuse. The response left Moore literally pounding the text of the court's order with his hand.
Davis ultimately came out to meet the couple, but reiterated her intent to deny granting the license.
Now that the Supreme Court has spoken, what Davis and other clerks around the country are doing is, in fact, illegal. According to Beshear and numerous state officials, clerks who refuse to grant marriage licenses could face criminal charges and legal action for official misconduct.
For more than 20 years, this debate was had, but now the matter is settled. County clerks who feel strong religious objections to fulfilling their public duty can not follow the lead of this one from Tennessee, and resign.
Watch the full video below.