San Francisco Politician Calls Out Fox News as "Not Real News" — Becomes Local Hero

It's an old routine. The reporter ambushes a politician, and out of nowhere comes a leading question, something along the lines of "When did you stop beating your wife?" or "How can you celebrate an Iran deal while U.S. soldiers remain in harm's way?"
San Francisco Supervisor Scott Wiener, however, was not having it. When a Fox reporter from The O'Reilly Factor came around last week to press members of the Board of Supervisors about the murder of Kathryn Steinle by an undocumented immigrant, Wiener shot back, ripping into the network.
"Fox News is not real news and you're not a reporter," he said.
Wiener added that he "talked to real news only" before heading into his office and shutting the door in the reporter's face.
As a well-known "sanctuary city" that does not make an effort to deport undocumented immigrants, San Francisco has come under fire in recent weeks following Steinle's murder on July 1. The criticism originated mostly from conservative stalwarts like Fox's Bill O'Reilly and Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. On Twitter, Trump demanded that President Barack Obama address the murder and call Steinle's family. The real estate magnate later faced accusations from Steinle's brother of sensationalizing the tragedy. The Fox run-in earned Wiener a pinhead designation from Bill O'Reilly, who then wrote off San Francisco as a whole, saying it has the government it deserved.
Meanwhile, the local politico has been inundated with support from the community. "Locally, in San Francisco, it has been overwhelming and enthusiastically positive," he told Mic. "People understand that Fox News is at the center of our broken system." Wiener added that it was an "honor" to be called a pinhead by O'Reilly and that he did not regret his comments for a minute. "I'm glad I was able to help give voice to a very widespread view in San Francisco."
Weiner represents the city's District 8 and is currently seeking a promotion to the state senate.