Horrify Your Loved Ones With Snapchat's New Update

You're about to become an elderly heart-spewing hell demon. Just open your mouth, raise your eyebrows and take a selfie.
In a blog post published Tuesday, the company Snapchat announced a plethora of new features for its app. Snap-happy users can now buy extra replays — the ability to watch a private snap again — starting at 99 cents for three. (You can only re-watch any single snap once, however.) The app also announced a feature called "trophies," which users will receive once they hit certain achievement goals. (The specific goals haven't been announced yet.)
But the most interesting addition — and by interesting we mean horrifying — is the seven "lenses," which are essentially what would happen if Scarecrow from Batman Begins could design filters. Using them is simple: After you activate the front-facing camera, press and hold down on your face to bring up the lenses. Scroll through them — you can try them out before sending your snap — and go crazy.
Behold, the horror:
Some people are definitely fans: