Get Pumped: Flip the Script is Back!

Hey, it's me. Liz. I know we haven't talked in a while but I have great news.
Mic's Flip the Script is coming back!
After receiving 43 million hits in eight weeks over season one (wow thank you!), we kind of went on a six-month hiatus. Sorry. Billy, one of our producers, got married on free national Slurpie day while Regina (another producer) and I were really busy color-coordinating our Halloween costumes. Oh and the video team interviewed some guy — his last name rhymes with Bahama, ever heard of him? We also grabbed a Maggie award and talked to Khloe Kardashian and Lance Bass about it.
So #SorryNotSorry.
Many of you have been asking me questions like, "Liz, when is Flip the Script going to come out with new episodes?" or "Liz, when are you going to stop warming up double packs of butterscotch tastycakes in your apartment alone and give me grandchildren?" OK, that last one is just coming from my mom. But the answer to both questions is the same: Keep your pants on, it's coming!
Season one of Flip the Script included interviews with America's favorite sweetheart/imaginary boyfriend Matt McGorry and Lina Esco, fearless founder of the #FreeTheNipple movement. It also included some unfiltered shower selfie videos and a lot of talking to strangers about casual things like diversity, feminism and nipples. You know, traditional ice-breakers they talk about in those self-help books at airports.
Paul DeVincenzo, a young gay man with Down syndrome who featured in an episode, was cast in Randy: the Movie after a big-shot director saw our episode. He even hung out with his new BFF Darren Chris, which is like totally no big deal.
If you liked Flip the Script season one, you're going to love Flip the Script season two.
While I won't be teaching Matt McGorry how to throw a football on Santa Monica Beach (#BucketList) I will be hanging out with Maysoon Zayid and Beyoncé (that's her cat's name; turns out the real one is a tiny bit harder to track down) as we discuss why 80% of people living with a disability are unemployed and why that needs to change. We traveled all the way to New Jersey for that episode so Nathan, our producer, made sure it was the same day the president was there too.
We also talked to philanthropist Melinda Gates about the anti-vaxxer movement. I got into a bike accident the day before our interview; if I look a little droopy, it's the combination of painkillers and self-medicated honey-glazed donuts diet I was on.
Speaking of great decisions, former Texas Sen. Wendy Davis and I ate sushi and got a pedicure together, then we talked about the anti-abortion movement. Everyone around us at the pedicure place appreciated our keeping it light.
The Flip the Script squad (#FTSS) also crashed a pro-life convention in Rochester, New York, where they served us eggs which felt like, totally on brand. On the way there, Justine, one of our producers, ate mozzarella sticks for the first time in her life. She's French, so she's only eaten the cheese that would technically qualify as food by the Food and Drug Administration.
I also got to hang out a lot with Broad City's Arturo Castro who is both hilarious and insanely smart. We talked about stereotypes regarding Latinos and about our common love for cereal milk-flavored ice cream.
In addition to all these fun episodes, we'll also explore tons of other important topics like body shaming, the orgasm gap and cultural appropriation. We are lucky. Mic's audience is inherently smart, engaged and inquisitive. And that's why season two is going to be freaking fabulous.
Without further ado, here is our first episode of season two! Come for Wendy Davis, but stay for the rest of the season!