This Basic Barbie Instagram Reveals Life's Oh-So-Big Struggles

Our gal pal Barbie might have a slew of professions under her belt (150 and counting, in fact), but we all knew deep down that it was just a bunch of resume padding. Well, it turns out the real Barbie — like so many of us — doesn't have her shit together after all.
At least not the @honestnycbarbie, the latest Instagram-ready creation thought up by the folks at Mashable. In the void left by the death of the short-lived Hipster Barbie, Honest NYC Barbie has come around to remind us how living in the city as a young woman comes with many oh-so-big struggles — even if you're only 11 inches tall.
Honest NYC Barbie's Instagram account sums up the life of your typical 20-something city girl who lives off caffeine, doesn't obey crosswalk signs, has an affinity for bottomless mimosas and can't make a sensible shoe decision to save her life.
Like us, she has trouble getting out of bed, even when those first rays of sunlight start creeping in through the window. Oh, and who wears PJs anymore? She saves on laundry by sleeping in last night's clothes.
Meeting for brunch means having #bottomlessmimosas with your girlfriends.
This Barbie understands how a lost hair tie spells disaster in a windy city. Why do only models look good with "windswept hair"?
She understands that a glass of wine always makes for a good day.
Last but not least, she understands the occasional trip happens. Might as well embrace the fall before getting back up again.
A little basic? Perhaps. But if Hipster Barbie was all about showcasing the prettier, sun-dappled fantasy world so many of us display on Instagram, this Honest Barbie is about the flip-side of young life, with its twisted ankles, wine hangovers and second-day hair.
Next up: Netflix and Chill Barbie, complete with sweatpants and cereal straight from the box.