2015 Fox Business Republican Debate Gets Twitter's Best Reactions

The fourth Republican presidential debate of the 2016 election season was held Tuesday night at the Milwaukee Theatre in Milwaukee, featuring eight of the top-polling GOP candidates — and Twitter was prepared. Users had immediate reactions to some of the biggest moments of the night, from Donald Trump's candid remarks to the candidates sparring off against each other.
The candidates focused on a variety of issues, from economics to international security, giving Twitter plenty of ammunition. The debate was moderated by Fox Business Network anchors Maria Bartiromo and Neil Cavuto and editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal Gerard Baker; candidates included business magnate Donald Trump, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
Below are just some of the noteworthy tweets from Tuesday night's Fox Business Network/Wall Street Journal's Republican presidential debate:
Several Republican hopefuls brought up religion, attributing some their positions to God. Twitter users took notice:
Trump called out Fiorina for interrupting candidates during the debate, which caught the attention of one Twitter user by the name of Diane Sevenay:
No candidate appeared overjoyed every time former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was brought up:
For the first time in this year's Republican debates, Cruz had the floor for the longest time of any GOP candidate:
However, other users noted candidates appeared to be trying their best:
Meanwhile, candidates blamed the Obama administration for several key issues, which caught the attention of several users:
All in all, users seemed divided on the fourth Republican presidential debate.
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