The #EstarGuars Hashtag Shows the Force Is Strong With Latino Star Wars Fans


May the force be contigo. 

As Star Wars: The Force Awakens debuts nationwide, everyone is gearing up for the return of the mega franchise by paying homage to some of its most classic characters. While Joseph Gordon-Levitt's DIY Yoda is a great cosplay, the Star Wars phenomenon among one community can be summed up with a simple T-shirt: 

Star Wars: The Force Awakens actress and Academy Award-winner Lupita Nyong'o, who is Mexican-born, has been seen all over Twitter and Instagram wearing this "Estar Guars" shirt. 

Latinos have also been showing their love for Star Wars with the #EstarGuars hashtag on Twitter, including memes and pictures of them in cosplay that show, when it comes to Star Wars, that galaxy far far away is big enough for us all. 

Do you remember hearing about these three at church?  

In fact, the religious themes didn't end with the franchise's male characters. Leia became more than a princess or a general — she's the Mother of God.

Some people got down to the true Latino origins of characters like R2-D2. 

Some of the Han Solo puns were out of this world.

In fact, a lot of characters seem to be part of the gente

A lot of classic phrases got Spanish or Spanglish translations or riffs.

But mostly, people just showed that fandom is for todos

Given the many racial controversies around this Star Wars film, including the casting of John Boyega as a stormtrooper and Boyega's diminished presence on international film posters, #EstarGuars shows that many people of color are still invested in the film and its success. And, of course, with actor Oscar Isaac, Latinos have a tangible presence in the franchise.