Gilbert Arenas Thinks the WNBA Should Have More "Cutie Pies" Playing Basketball in Thongs

On Tuesday, three-time NBA all-star Glibert Arenas posted a video to Instagram of what he said he wished the WNBA looked like — women playing basketball in thongs — and many people on social media are calling foul on what they say are sexist remarks.
Arenas shared the video of two busty blondes shooting hoops to his more than 300,000 followers, captioning it, "Now this is what America was hoping for when they announced the WNBA back in 1996... not a bunch of chicks running around looking like cast members from Orange Is the New Black." Arenas then went on to launch a preemptive counterattack on anyone who labels him a sexist: "... and if u think this is sexist, 9 times out of 10 u the ugly one and we didn't pay to come see u play anyway."
Here's the caption in full:
Now this is what America was hoping for when they announced the #WNBA back in 1996... not a bunch of chicks running around looking like cast members from #orangeisthenewblack. Don't get me wrong, they have few #cutiepies but theres a whole alotta #beanpies running around hahahahahaha if #skylardiggins came out like this, I don't care if she missed every layup.. imma buy season tickets and I don't even know where the fuck #tulsa is hahahaha #2016newwnbaoutfitPLS and if you think this is sexist, 9 times out of 10 you the ugly one and we didn't pay to come see u play anyway #donkeykong ...smdh#thiswillbeawesome #soldouteverywhere
Twitter users were waiting courtside to weigh in on the NBA player's comments.
Not everyone found Arenas' comments offensive: Many Twitter users and Instagram commentators gave Arenas a digital pat on the back for his "truthful" opinion.
"This the funniest shit I've ever seen," one Instagram user commented on the post.
"My boy agent 00," commented another Instagram user. "[He's] speaking the truth."
This isn't the first time Arenas has caused a kerfuffle thanks to his use of social media. Here are two posts Arenas shared in the last week alone:
Arenas captioned the below video, "When you found out bae been cheating on you but you dont want that domestic violence charge so you disguise it with 'guess what I can do.'"