County Clerks' Names Will No Longer Appear on Marriage Licenses in Kentucky — Here's Why

Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin is changing marriage certificates in the state, the Associated Press reported Tuesday. Under the new law, Kentucky state marriage licenses will no longer include the name of the county clerk who issued the document, an omission Bevin said is to protect the religious freedom of elected officials in the Bluegrass State.
"Today, I took action to uphold several commitments I made during my campaign so that we can implement real solutions that will help the people of Kentucky," Bevin said in statement Tuesday. "While I have been a vocal supporter of the restoration of rights, for example, it is an issue that must be addressed through the legislature and by the will of the people.
"As we move into the New Year and upcoming session, I look forward to working with legislators and stakeholders to build consensus and drive policy that makes a meaningful impact on the lives of all Kentuckians."
Bevin's decision is a reactionary measure in response to the controversy surrounding Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who was briefly jailed for refusing to issue a marriage licenses to same sex couples.
The "pro-life, pro-family, pro-Second Amendment" Republican took office Dec. 8. In the lead-up to the election Bevin sold himself to voters as a "real deal conservative" and pledged to keep Kentucky citizens safe from President Barack Obama's "war on Kentucky."
For a better sense of his platform, here's one of Bevin's campaign ads: