Adam Driver's Dopplegänger Is a Cat and Seriously It Looks Just Like Him

Adam Driver has been adopted. Or, rather, the internet-famous cat that looks exactly like a certain Girls actor has been adopted — by Elite Daily writer Emily Combs, who wasn't drawn to Corey (the dopplegänger feline in question) because of its famous face, but instead, by the deep and immediate bond she felt upon seeing its celebrity visage in a Jan. 15 tweet from the Monmouth County SPCA in New Jersey.
"I didn't adopt Corey because he was going viral on the internet," Combs wrote. "I adopted him because I loved him."
"When the tweet first went up," she continued, "I had gazed into the eyes of this cat and felt two things deep in my soul 1) that I loved him and 2) that he was meant to be with me."
What is this strange power that Corey — renamed Kylo Ren, in tribute to the character Driver played in Star Wars 7 — has over humans? Is it an ability to steal their souls that allows this tabby mix to mirror the emotive human face so skillfully? With what sorcery does this soft-haired Shorthair keep the internet so firmly ensnared in his furry grip?
The images below, coupled with Combs's own testimony, indicate that the secret may lie within the feline's eyes.
Kylo-Ren-né-Corey even has his own Instagram account, under the apt handle @catam_driver. Here he is with "Mouse Yoda" and "Mouse Chewbacca." "No animosity detected," the caption reads.
Here's Catam Driver pioneering the "'double lap nap' maneuver":
Kylo Ren's familiar and friendly looking cat face raises an interesting, seldom-asked question: Is seeing one's doppelgänger still considered a death omen if one's doppelgänger is a domestic animal? Until science offers up an answer, it's probably in Driver's best interest that he and his cat counterpart remain far, far apart.