GOP Consultant Calls Trump Supporters "Childless Single Men Who Masturbate to Anime"

Republican consultant Rick Wilson, who has earned the ire of some conservatives by repeatedly mocking supporters of current presidential nomination frontrunner Donald Trump, took his criticism of the real estate billionaire to a bizarre new level following news Tea Party favorite Sarah Palin is endorsing Trump for president.
Wilson silenced MSNBC's Chris Hayes and other guest panelists into bemused looks of shock on Tuesday night by accusing Trump's supporters of being "childless single men who masturbate to anime."
"The screamers and the crazy people on the alt-right as they call it, who love Donald Trump, who have plenty of Hitler iconography in their Twitter icons, who think Donald Trump is the greatest thing," Wilson quipped on Hayes' show. "Oh, it's something. But the fact of the matter is most of them are childless single men who masturbate to anime."
"They are not real political players," he continued, according to Mashable. "These are not people who matter in the overall course of humanity."
Sick burn, bro. But considering 30% of GOP voters (and 41% of Trump backers) support bombing Agrabah, the fictional Middle Eastern nation from Disney's animated film Aladdin, it's likely few of them are familiar with anime.
If any conservative candidate is appealing to the nerdy denizens of the seediest corners of the internet, it's probably libertarian-leaning Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who polls well among young, white male libertarians and has inherited some of his father Ron Paul's web-based popularity.
Paul, amid polling averages putting him ninth in line for the Republican nomination, took to Facebook on Wednesday to plead for support in a post comparing Trump to Lord of the Rings character Gollum.
Unfortunately for Wilson, Trump supporters don't constitute the kind of niche support propping up candidates like Paul — Trump is as mainstream in today's GOP as apple pie and Reagan soundbites, even if the party's historic leadership is terrified to admit it.
In an average of polls kept by Real Clear Politics, Trump clocks in at a commanding 34.8% support nationally among Republican primary voters, leading closest competitor Ted Cruz by 14%.