Did Amy Schumer Steal Jokes? Comedian Is Speaking Out After Latest Claims Against Her

Comedian, actress and screenwriter Amy Schumer is speaking out against similarities found between her jokes with jokes of several other comedians. Though a viral video compilation of jokes from Wendy Liebman, Kathleen Madigan and Tammy Pescatelli, as well as the late Patrice O'Neal seems to show uncanny resemblances to moments from Schumer's 2015 HBO special and her film Trainwreck, she said it's all a coincidence.
"I'm being accused of stealing jokes, and I wanted to come and talk to you about it and clear my name," Schumer said Wednesday night on SiriusXM's Jim Norton Advice Show. "Because I would never, ever do that, and I never have."
Initially, the comedians joined in on the accusations, saying they felt Schumer had stolen several of her jokes from their performances. Pescatelli wrote a scathing message for Schumer's fans on Twitter, writing,"What has always been amazing to me is that she purports to be a feminist and yet only steals from other female comedians. If we call her on it we are 'jealous' or career shamed. Be successful. WE want you to do well, just do it will your own material. BTW she blocked me," Complex reported.
However, the comedians whose jokes are the subject of the evidence mounting against Schumer have since deleted their messages, and are actually standing in support of her. What might have been joke theft, could just as easily have been an unfortunate (and not so funny) coincidence.
"I'm literally going to take a polygraph test and put it on my show this season," Schumer said Wednesday. "I promise whatever the results are, I won't let them cut. I'll let them show that I have never, never seen Patrice do that bit. I had definitely never seen Tammy Pescatelli do that, like I didn't happen to catch her 2006 Comedy Central special and, like, sit on that bit till I got a movie. Like I sat on that bit for nine years and then was like, 'Here's my chance to steal that Tammy, the famous Tammy P bit."
"This is what happens," Schumer told Norton about the recent course of events. "People like build people up and then like to rip them down when they're experiencing some success." She highlighted the fact she's good friends with several of the comedians whose jokes some are saying she stole, and has publicly acknowledged their work and craftsmanship in comedy.
Check out Schumer's full interview with Norton below:
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