J.K. Rowling Has a Perfect Response to Donald Trump Spokesperson’s "Pure Breeds” Comment

Constant vigilance: The motto of Harry Potter character Mad Eye Moody, and of the woman who created him — at least when it comes to Twitter. Having already taken to the social media platform to condemn Republican frontrunner Donald Trump for his worse-than-Lord-Voldemort immigration stance, J.K. Rowling has now extended the metaphor to one of Trump's minions: Katrina Pierson, national spokesperson for the GOP's leading candidate and apparent hater of mudbloods.
"Perfect," Pierson tweeted during a 2012 debate between President Barack Obama and his then-opponent, Mitt Romney. "Obama's dad born in Africa, Mitt Romney's dad born in Mexico. Any pure breeds left?"
"Death Eaters walk among us," Rowling replied on Sunday.
And, of course, Twitter quickly broke into applause at Rowling's zinger.
Pierson, 39, came under fire in late December for wearing a necklace made of bullets during a CNN appearance. Which is not an atypical move for the Texan tea party advocate who, like the candidate she supports, brings both a spotty political background and a fondness for brash, unedited statements of whatever's on her mind. "He's sort of not politically correct," she once said of her candidate, as Politico reported. "He sort of calls it like he sees it. I'm kind of that way, too."
Apparently so. Pierson was formerly attached to Ted Cruz's senatorial campaign but was drawn to Trump's camp by his views on Islam. According to AlterNet, she responded with a glib "so what, they're Muslim" when questioned about her candidate's plan to ban everyone of Islamic faith from entering the U.S.
As Rowling's army of Twitter followers will remember, it was that proposal which prompted the author to draw the parallel between Trump and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in the first place. His spokesperson's racial views seem to fit neatly within that ideology. Draco Malfoy couldn't have said it better himself.