Muslim Women Pushed Back After David Cameron Claimed They're "Traditionally Submissive"

They're not taking this one sitting down.
After British Prime Minister David Cameron blamed ISIS recruitment on "traditionally submissive" Muslim women and mothers who don't speak out against radical Islamism, Muslim women around the world are responding to his claims on Twitter.
The responses included Muslim women sharing itemized lists of their various life accomplishments.
More than a few were very funny and insightful.
According to the Huffington Post, the Twitter response was organized by author Shelina Janmohamed, who came up with the hashtag, which allowed Muslim women to share their careers and hobbies, as well as express their opinions, to respond to the passive, quiet stereotypes of Muslim women.
Family members of strong Muslim women also joined in to show their appreciation and respect for the women in their lives.
Some of the tweets reminded readers of the contributions of Muslim women to Muslim culture.
And even more came from non-Muslims in solidarity.
Perhaps the most famous person standing in solidarity was Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling, who spent the afternoon retweeting several entries with the #TraditionallySubmissive hashtag.
But nothing beats this letter from a young Muslim woman.
In the letter, which her father posted on Twitter, the 8-year-old girl describes her love for her mother, why her mother chooses not to speak English even though she knows it. The child wants to be a scientist and author who shows the world there are good Muslims.
Aside from this hashtag, many muslim women have been leading the charge in fighting Islamophobia. In December, a Muslim woman created a "Talk to a Muslim" stand in her town of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and offered coffee and doughnuts to those willing to talk to her and fight Islamophobia.
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