How to Enjoy the Benefits of Being Single — When You're in a Relationship

Subtle relationship-shaming has been trending for a while now. A quick Google search for "why you should be single" produces an abundance of links to articles that tout the single life for a laundry list of reasons like personal growth, freedom, independence, fun and all those clichés one supposedly sacrifices in a relationship. But with careful strategy, couples can enjoy being in a relationship without feeling shadily guilty about missing out on single life.
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Travel alone
Traveling alone can relieve stress and promote self-reflection, but there's a stigma about couples traveling solo. Don't believe it. "You're not trying to get away, you're going so that you have time to regenerate," long-term psychotherapist Diana Gasperoni told Mic. "You'll come back and have the experience of what it's like to be by yourself. You grow so much from trips like that."
Sex and relationships counselor Ian Kerner told Time traveling alone is the sign of a healthy relationship. "I think it's cool to be able to travel separately — it's an indication that you're in [a] trusting, safe, secure relationship," he said.
Cut back on the incessant texting
Relationships can feel suffocating — especially when there's pressure to stay connected to your significant other 24/7. "Now, unfortunately, as the relationship develops, it's unrealistic to regularly text throughout the day," relationship blogger Christopher Lai wrote. "The thing is this... when you're consistently around someone, when you consistently talk to someone... it can inevitably become unbearable."
"Allowing yourself to fantasize and really have a full fantasy life but not act on it is okay," Gasperoni said. It's unrealistic to forbid yourself from desiring other people, she said. "I think we get caught up in not thinking about another person or having sex with another person."
Don't compromise on dinner
One of the benefits of being single is that you can eat whatever you damn well please without worrying about negotiating. Nobody should have to ignore their pizza craving because their partner is in a sushi mood. Order separately and eat together. There's no rule that says pizza can't be served with sushi (pro-tip: sushi pizza).
Kidding — but a questionable survey found that 42% of people on Tinder are already in a relationship.