Here's What It Sounds Like 36,000 Feet Beneath the Ocean's Surface

If you're looking for some peace and quiet, it turns out ocean floor isn't the place for you — even if you go seven miles under the sea.
For three weeks in July researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Oregon State University and the U.S. Coast Guard dropped a hydrophone into the Challenger Deep, the seabed's deepest known point at 36,070 feet.
Read more: Scientists Discover Two Bizarre Sea Creatures Unlike Anything Seen Before
According to the NOAA, the device — specially engineered to withstand the trench's atmospheric pressure — recorded continuously, filling an entire flash drive. Now researchers have gone through all of the audio and uploaded some of their findings to Soundcloud:
Source: Soundcloud
Source: Soundcloud
While some of the noises may sound freaky, the project's chief scientist, Robert Dziak, said, "The ambient sound field is dominated by the sound of earthquakes, both near and far, as well as distinct moans of baleen whales, and the clamor of a category 4 typhoon that just happened to pass overhead."
Check out these whale vocals:
Source: Soundcloud
Source: Soundcloud
Now that they've laid down some tracks, researchers' next Challenger Deep mission is to deploy the hydrophone for a longer period of time and add a camera in early 2017.
But even without the visuals, scientists noted the audio alone gives them a good idea of what's happening down there. NOAA oceanographer Bob Dziak told Gizmodo, "Acoustics is really the best way to get a good picture of deep ocean environments."