This Is What's Been Causing Your Eye to Twitch This Whole Time

Out of nowhere, sometimes your eyelid will uncontrollably flutter. Maybe you're on a date. Maybe you're at a job interview. Maybe now is just not a good time, eyelid.
Typically, these sporadic spasms are no big deal and will stop when rubbed, Dr. Wayne Cornblath, professor of ophthalmology at the University of Michigan's Kellogg Eye Center, told Time. But accompanying facial twitching is a cause for concern, according to Healthline.
Still, there are some lifestyle changes you can make to cut down on the eye twitches, such as avoiding coffee and alcohol for the day, according to Shape. If the twitching is disruptive to your life, there is the option of getting Botox injections in the eyelid, the New York Times reported.
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Caffeine: As a stimulant, caffeine causes excitatory neurotransmitters such as serotonin to be released, which might cause the muscles in the eyelid to react, according to Time.
Fatigue: While we could all probably use a little more shuteye, Cornblath said that too little sleep can also add to involuntary eyelid twitching.
Stress: Stress has a prominent effect on our body, one such being the production of adrenaline, which causes muscle arousal, according to Time. That rush could directly result in annoying contractions right by the eye area.
Dry eyes: Contact lenses and some medications may cause eyes to dry out and occasionally twitch. If so, consider bringing teardrops while out and about, Dr. Benjamin Ticho, an ophthalmologist, told Shape.
Magnesium deficiency: Not getting enough magnesium could lead to eye twitching, since the mineral directly affects your muscle function (plus your hormones and heart), according to CNN. And only about 25% of American adults are getting enough of this vital mineral, which is found in spinach, white beans and almonds.
Eye strain: In case you were wondering, staring at your phone and computer all day isn't exactly the best thing for your precious eyes. "Give your eyes a break! Put on sunglasses, wear your eyeglasses, and step away from the devices," Dr. Julie Miller, a plastic surgeon who works on eyes, told Shape.