Hillary Clinton Does, In Fact, Keep Hot Sauce in Her Bag

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton visited New York hip-hop radio station Power 105.1's morning show The Breakfast Club on Monday, ahead of Tuesday's state primary.
In addition to discussing dabbing on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and whether she believes in ghosts (she believes in spirits), Clinton had a surprising answer to host Angela Yee's question, "What's something that you always carry with you?"
The thing Clinton never goes without?
"Hot sauce," the former secretary of state said.
You may be tempted to think Clinton is pandering to black voters.
Beyoncé's song "Formation" includes the line "I got hot sauce in my bag, swag," which led Charlamagne Tha God, one of the hosts of the program, to exclaim, "Are you getting in formation right now? Hot sauce in my bag, swag!" according to E! Online.
Some members of the black and Latino communities have called out Clinton for pandering in the past. After Clinton changed her Twitter avatar to celebrate Kwanzaa and honor Rosa Parks, Black Twitter clapped back with memes poking fun at the former first lady. Some Latinos on Twitter also criticized Clinton after her campaign posted an article saying she was just like their abuelas.
But Clinton declared herself an aficionado of the condiment long before Beyoncé sung about keeping hot sauce in her bag.
Condé Nast Traveler asked Clinton's office in 2012 what she carries in her bag. The answer was she keeps a "small mesh bag filled with the basics: Sharpies, Advil, sunscreen. Converters to charge her BlackBerry and iPad anywhere in the world. Red pepper flakes and a mini bottle of Tabasco sauce for adding spice to her meals."
At least when it comes to hot sauce, no one can accuse Clinton of flip-flopping.
Listen to the interview below.