Bill Clinton DNC Speech 2012: 3 Things Clinton Got Right in His Speech
Former President Bill Clinton is a force to be reckoned with. Regardless of whether you love him or hate him, you have to respect someone who is good at what they do.
During his epic Democratic National Convention speech to nominate Barack Obama as the Democratic candidate on Wednesday night, Clinton had some high and low points ... but he 100% hit some major points that needed to be brought up during this convention.
Here are 3 especially big ones:
1) Cooperation
This was one of Clinton’s strongest messages, and he drove it home. There has been little cooperation between Republicans and Democrats, and especially not with Republicans and the president. There has been little room for progression these last four years because of this resistance. As Clinton pointed out, Obama did appoint Republican secretaries of defense, the army, and transportation. It just seems unpatriotic to fight so hard against your president instead of trying to help people prosper.
2) Education
Education is the cornerstone of America. Without educated citizens, our nation would crumble, and we would slowly dwindle away from being any kind of power. The RNC speeches rarely brought up education, but that hasn’t been the case in the DNC. Clinton made an excellent case by turning the discussion towards cutting back on Pell Grants. The famous “Ryan Budgets” that so many have swooned over would cut back on student financial aid, specifically Pell Grants. This would only help increase the already staggering student debt crisis that seems to reach no end.
The auto industry restructuring worked. It saved more than a million jobs, not just at GM, Chrysler and their dealerships, but in auto parts manufacturing all over the country.
3) Unemployment
Yes, that happened. President Obama has also helped to create millions of jobs, but it just hasn’t been enough. Progress doesn’t happen overnight, and it won’t happen if things like the job plan created by Obama are blocked. Romney has yet to propose any plans of his own to help with are still too high unemployment rate. President Obama has helped create millions of private sector jobs, and that will probably continue to grow if given the opportunity.
Clinton’s speech was a great segue into the final day of the DNC. Each carefully constructed reason made by Clinton to vote for Obama has brought a little more life into a campaign that was starting to seem a bit bleak before this convention. Now we can wait for President Obama to make his grand finale.