"Weed for Pets" Is a Real Thing — And Your Dog Will Probably Love It

In the fight to legalize medical marijuana nationwide, humans are not alone.
Sick dogs, cats and even horses are benefitting from cannabis' curative qualities, according to the Guardian. The trend has reportedly given rise to a "growing industry of cannabis-based pet products," from edible supplements to marijuana-based shampoo.
Yes, it's fur real: One company, Treatibles, makes "hemp wellness chews" that purportedly "help facilitate calm and balance" in cats, dogs and other pets. The supplements contain cannabidiol, or CBD — a compound found in cannabis without any mind-altering properties.
"Treatibles will not get your animal high," the company's website states. "Your animal companions can enjoy all the benefit of these plant cannabinoid without any psychoactive effects."
Canna Companion and Canna-Pet also make hemp-based supplements for pets. There's even a dog shampoo containing cannabinoids — "great for older and working dogs with muscle/body pain," according to the product's website.
Do they work? According to parents of sick pets, they do.
Bernie, a Swiss mountain dog, would experience weekly grand mal seizures that caused him to "convulse, foam at the mouth, and urinate on himself for several minutes before recovering an or so hour later," according to the Guardian. Not only did his medication not work, but it also made him "disoriented" and harmed his liver.
Bernie started taking Treatibles supplements, and he's reportedly gone four months without a seizure. "It sounds ridiculous, until you experience it yourself," Bernie's owner, Anthony Georgiadis, said.
Is it legal? As in the case of medical marijuana for humans, there are a number of legal constraints surrounding cannabis for sick pets.
If you live in a state where medical marijuana isn't legal, you can order the products online — as long as they don't contain THC, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis.
But some pet products, such as those from TreatWell, do contain trace amounts of THC, according to the Guardian. If you want to purchase them for your pup, you have to live in a state where medical marijuana is legal — and have a prescription for yourself, so you can access a dispensary.
It's a tricky situation — which is why a Nevada state senator introduced a bill last year to create a medical marijuana registry for pets. The bill died before it could be debated in a hearing, according to the Guardian.
When it comes to reaping the benefits of medical marijuana, it looks like some pups will have to be a little more patient.