Obama vs Romney Polls: Consensus Shows Obama is Soaring Ahead of GOP Rival
“Thanks Bill and Michelle.”
That’s what Barack Obama has to be saying this week, as three separate polls shows that the president received a solid boost of up to five percentage points following the Democratic National Convention last week, and now has over a six point advantage over his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney.
The DNC — featuring First Lady Michelle Obama, former President Bill Clinton and Obama himself — was a roaring success, and the president is now reaping the benefits.
"According to a CNN/ORC International Poll released Monday, 52% of likely voters nationwide back the president, compared to 46% for Romney. Just before the convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, Obama was tied with Romney 48%-48%," reports CNN.
Similarly, a pair of daily tracking polls Monday gave Obama a 5-point leads over Romney.
Gallup has Obama up 49%-44%.
The Rasmussen daily tracking poll puts Obama ahead, 50%-45%.
Consensus: Obama did well at the DNC, re-energizing his Democratic base and erasing any gains Romney and the GOP had made in their own convention a week earlier.
Dems are itching to go to the polls. According to the CNN poll, more Democrats (59%) than Republicans (57%) seemed to be enthusiastic about voting. "This marks a turnaround from last week, when the number of Republicans who said they were extremely or very enthusiastic about voting was six points higher than for Democrats."
After his DNC finale speech, critics had burned the president, saying that Obama failed to give concrete policy solutions to the biggest issues facing America. Voters seem to think differently, though.
According to the CNN poll, "Obama seemed to come out of the convention stretch as the candidate with a more specific plan to help the country. Before the Republican event, 45% thought Romney was more likely to have a clear plan, while only 39% felt the same about the president. Now the two have switched places, with 45% saying Obama has a clear plan, compared 39% saying the same about Romney."
Voters also feel more secure with the incumbent president leading the country through the next four years. Fifty-one percent of likely voters think Obama has a more optimistic vision for the country's future, compared to Romney at 41%. Last week, however, 43% said Obama was more optimistic, while 47% said the same about Romney, according to the CNN poll.
This stat in particular is massive because it is the reason non-leaning voters are drawn to Obama.
Most analysts now believe that Romney’s next big chance to make a splash among voters will be the first presidential debate on October 3.
Editor's Note: This story has been updated to properly cite language that was originally used without attribution to CNN. We apologize to our readers for this violation of our basic editorial standards. Mic has put in place new mechanisms, including plagiarism detection software, to ensure that this does not happen in the future.