Looks Like the Country's Most Transphobic States Are Really Into Trans Porn

In April, Mic reported on a surprising (but really not that surprising) trend: In the nation's most homophobic states, gay porn tends to be a hit. Now, a Broadly exclusive echoes what must be a similarly furtive masturbatory pattern in those parts of the country most actively opposed to equal rights for transgender individuals: Anti-trans states just love trans porn — go figure.
Within the 11 states suing President Barack Obama's administration over its federal guidelines allowing trans students to use the bathroom befitting their gender identity, trans porn is particularly popular, as indicated by viewer data from tube site XHamster.
Full results are available over at Broadly, but the main takeaway is this: Residents of what are, by all accounts, among the most transphobic states in the U.S. are whacking off to trans porn. Often.
XHamster examined how frequently viewers in Texas, Alabama, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Arizona, Georgia, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Utah and Maine uploaded and searched for trans videos (using, according to Broadly, unfortunately offensive terms like "tranny"), as well as the frequency with which these consumers clicked their way through to the trans category without entering search terms.
Take Texas, for example. On Tuesday, the Lonestar State's Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick announced what ThinkProgress called a "crusade" on the trans teens of Texas, declaring "I will be sending a letter to every superintendent in the state of Texas, letting them know that they should not move forward on the President's guidelines." Patrick has been criticized by other Texans for the move, but suffice it to say, this is a conservative state with loudly espoused conservative values.
It's interesting, then, that the state has viewed the trans porn category 1,641,050 times, searched for trans videos 105,053 times and uploaded 881 of them, by XHamster's count. Huh.
Read more: Apparently, Homophobic States Really Love Gay Porn, According to This Porn Site