Barack Obama Helps Jimmy Fallon "Slow Jam the News" — And Sneaks in Some Trump Digs

We're not sure what President Barack Obama will do once his second term is up, but we wouldn't mind if he continued to slow jam the news with subtle suaveness. Obama joined Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show to reprise the skit that made airwaves in 2012 on Fallon's previous NBC show, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. But now, eight years in, the Commander-in-Chief has even more to reflect upon — and jam to.
"It's been an honor and a privilege to serve as your president over the past eight years," Obama said, as he detailed some of his success in office before Fallon chimed in.
As for the president's issues with a Republican-controlled Congress, Fallon lauded him for being able to "find a way in through the back door," much to the chagrin of Obama. However, the late-night host saved face by giving him the highest compliment of all: a Beyoncé reference.
"When the Republicans gave him lemons, he made so much lemonade that Beyoncé started calling him 'Baracky with the good hair,'" Fallon said.
Of course, Obama will not be in for a third term — and he's certainly looking forward to a Hawaii vacation once his time is up. But he made his thoughts clear on presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump when Fallon asked him if he's been keeping up with the election coverage.
"No, but I have been watching my new favorite show, Orange Is Not the New Black," Obama replied.
You can watch the full, smoothest of slow jams below:
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