The Internet Is Furious at This Instagram Mom Who Did Yoga Above Her Baby

The latest mom-stunt to go viral features a fitness guru doing some intense power yoga moves atop a wooden crib — all while her baby watches from below.
"Putting Sage's bed to use for this fun crib workout," Melanie Darnell — who goes by @fitmomma4two on Instagram — wrote in a caption on a video clip last week. "No gym, no problem; everyday household items can be great workout equipment. As moms we are great at thinking outside the box!"
As with stories of past internet fitness moms who have used children as props in their power yoga routines, Darnell's clip has generated quite a bit of controversy in the Instamom community. Many of her followers expressed concern that doing such flashy acrobatic moves mere inches above her lil' baby's skull was not a good idea!
"You're gonna crush your kid someday," one commenter remarked. "Stop putting your child at risk," added another. "Safety for you and your child should be your first concern."
Despite many other comments echoing this sentiment, Darnell has remained staunch in her defense of her outside-the-box (or shall we say crib?) workout.
"It makes me a little bit sad, with people thinking that I'm putting my child in danger," she told People. "But in my opinion, I'm not. I'm taking precautions. I know my skill set. I know what I'm safely capable of performing."
This wasn't enough to satisfy her critics though, as another commenter remarked that "no one should assume that something like a crib is safe enough to withstand this!"
Indeed, it does not seem very safe to assume that a random wooden crib from Buy Buy Baby is strong enough to double as gym equipment. Not to mention: What if you accidentally kick the baby?!