In the Wake of the Orlando Massacre, Mara Wilson Talks Candidly About Her Own Sexuality

Mara Wilson, perhaps best known for her role in the movie Matilda, wrote candidly about her sexuality on Twitter in the wake of Sunday's mass shooting in the Orlando gay nightclub Pulse. She said while she lived most of her life "mostly straight," she's more recently "embracing the bi/queer label."
On Sunday, Wilson wrote on Twitter that she was "taking solace in the Tonys being tonight" and said she was happy theater provided "one community where LGBT people have been safe, welcome." Wilson went on to share a photo of herself at a gay club when she was 18. She said, "I feel embarrassed looking at it now." Continuing in another tweet, she added, "Being a 'straight girl' where I didn't belong, but I will say, I felt so welcomed there."
Wilson said that while she never felt the same belongingness at gay clubs after that night, the LGBTQ community "always felt like home." She then hinted at her own sexual orientation, saying that later on she "learned something" about herself.
The next day, Wilson replied to a Twitter user who asked if she was coming out as bisexual or nonbinary. Wilson was a little more straightforward:
The "2" refers to where Wilson stands on the Kinsey Scale, the heterosexual-homosexual rating scale which ranges from zero to six. According to the rating's official description on the Kinsey Institute's website, a person who identifies as a two is "predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual."
"I know a lot of people don't like the Kinsey scale, and that is fine with me," wrote Wilson. "But I'm pragmatic at heart and find comfort in numbers."
As Twitter users began replying furiously to Wilson's revelation, she was more specific about her sexuality:
And in the wake of a massacre targeting people of color, Wilson made sure to contextualize what it means for her to come out:
In her adult life, Wilson is a writer, storyteller and voracious retweeter on Twitter. But though she shares a good chunk of her personal life on the social media platform, now including her sexual orientation, Wilson said there are some things she'll always keep to herself.
"Your support is appreciated," she tweeted. "I will say, though, I'm still gonna be pretty private about my relationships, as I've always been."
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