Virginia Raggi Just Made History as Rome's First Female Mayor


On Sunday, 37-year-old lawyer and politician Virginia Raggi was elected the mayor of Rome, a moment that marked two firsts in the Eternal City's almost 3,000-year-old history: She's Rome's youngest and its first female mayor.

"Finally Rome has a woman as mayor," Raggi wrote on her Facebook page. "This is a historic moment. At a time when equal opportunities are still a myth, this victory is of extraordinary value."

Raggi and her populist Five Star Movement, which has campaigned for political transparency since 2009, carried 67% of the votes. Raggi campaigned on platforms to reduce political corruption, traffic and city waste, while improving public transportation with hybrid buses.

Fabio Frustaci/AP

Raggi has also promised to vote against Rome's Olympic bid and demand the Vatican pony up 400 million Euros in back taxes.

Raggi also said she was inspired to become a politician after she noticed how poor her city's infrastructure was, and how that put a strain on the day-to-day of Romans. 

"After the birth of my son, I found myself having to navigate the stroller between cars parked on sidewalks and through abandoned parks," she said.


Raggi's critics have cited her inexperience, adding that she only entered the political field in 2011, especially with the city buried in $14.7 billion of debt, according to the New York Times

To that, Raggi told the Guardian, "Experience in Italy belongs to the parties who have ruined Rome and the country."

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