What Do Donald Trump's Eating Habits Say About His Capacity to Lead?

Donald J. Trump likes his food fast and greasy.
He's a yuuuge junk food junkie — frequenting McDonald's and other fast food spots, as the New York Times reported. But in classic Trump fashion, the presidential nominee makes his own rules when it comes to food. He eats KFC with a fork and knife, allegedly eats burgers sans buns, and calls McDonald's Filet of Fish a "Fish Delight."
Trump's doctor claimed that if elected, Trump will be the "healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency," Time reported. Huh. At 70 years old, he would be the oldest person ever elected as president; this doesn't necessarily mean he wouldn't be the healthiest president — but evidence suggests otherwise. According to People, he's sleeping four hours and night and doesn't exercise. At all.
One benefit: Trump's fondness for fast food makes him relatable.
One in three American kids will eat fast food on any given day, the United States Healthful Food Council stated.
But does a steady diet of fries make a good commander-in-chief? Junk food and fast food negatively affect brain synapses associated with learning and memory, a study from UCLA noted. Another study from Brown University revealed that skyrocketing insulin levels from fatty foods caused rats to develop memory-related problems similar to Alzheimer's, according to Medical Daily.
So yes, the food a leader chooses to fuel themselves with actually matters.
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Fast food can impact a person's waistline, sure, but it can also have a great effect on the brain and a person's decision-making process. Studies have shown that fast food can make people feel more impatient and prone to spending more money, Reader's Digest reported. Not great qualities for a person running a country whose government already has a $19.3 trillion federal debt, ey?
With a campaign fueled by social media, Trump's camp can broadcast their food choices to the world without mainstream media. While Trump chooses to celebrate victories and connect with constituents via greasy fast food, Pence has ramped up his food-related appearances and social media posts since becoming Trump's VP pick.
Below, we present six examples of the kinds of food with which Trump and Pence choose to associate:
1. Trump eats fried chicken with silverware.
Who: Trump
2. Pence "eats local."
Who: Pence
3. Pence gives out birthday cupcakes.
Who: Pence and Ines De La Cuetara, an ABC News reporter
4. Pence orders a "salad" at Chili's.
Who: Pence
5. Trump claims his love for Hispanics via taco bowl.
Who: Trump
Trump said Mexican immigrants were "rapists" and drug dealers in June 2015, and his campaign platform includes tightening border control by constructing a wall around Mexican as a means for immigration reform. But this past Cinco de Mayo, the GOP presidential nominee decided to change his tune by giving uno thumbs-up to taco bowls (which are not really known for their Mexican origins).
6. Trump washes down McDonald's French fries with Diet Coke.
Who: Trump
After getting enough delegates to clinch the GOP nomination, Trump celebrated with some Mickey D's. Many Twitter followers pointed out the irony of his soda choice; back in 2012, Trump tweeted "I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke." Uh-huh, Mr. Trump.
If elected, will Trump eschew state dinners for drive-thru and pizza? Only time will tell.