Is Frank Ocean Writing a Novel? If True, It Could Be the Most Epic Ghosting Tale Ever Told

As rumors of a new Frank Ocean album come in waves throughout July, fans are hunting — and hacking — for any possible details of the singer's whereabouts.
After appearing in a Calvin Klein ad earlier this month, one Reddit user by the name of PilotJoness looked into the fashion company's Javascript codes to see whether they could find any hints about Ocean's sophomore album, supposedly titled Boys Don't Cry. And indeed they did — the coding revealed a possible hidden press release surrounding Ocean's involvement in the celebrity campaign, discussing his career in music, as well as a variety of upcoming projects, including his next album, a magazine and even a novel, Consequence of Sound reported.
The coding appears to have since been deleted, but screenshots reportedly remain. The text reads:
Frank Ocean is one of the most artistic and enigmatic musicians working today. Though it has been more than four years since he released his debut studio album, 'Channel Orange,' interest in Ocean hasn't waned. Instead, it's increased.
Ocean previously hinted at his novelist aspirations in a 2012 Guardian profile. "[Storytelling]'s the more interesting part about making music for me, or making albums and songs and stuff," he said. "So much so that I might not make another album. I might just write a novel next. I don't know!" It looks like now Ocean might be delivering both, plus a magazine, which fans have been anticipating since 2015, when the modern R&B crooner posted a photo to his Tumblr sitting next to stacks of magazines, writing: "I got two versions. I got twooo versions..."
Although Ocean seemed to confirm the reports of his anticipated album arriving imminently in a July post to website from this year, it should be taken with a grain of salt since the exact same thing essentially happened last year.
If Ocean is planning on writing a novel, fans can look to his poignant messages on international socio-political matters that have come from his musical recluse for a sense of how it will read. The singer shared a statement on presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, as well as a raw and emotional essay on the Orlando massacre at a gay nightclub, among other small signs of hope that Ocean is still alive, well and woke.
Let's just hope it's not a 101 on ghosting tips and techniques.
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