The Pictures of This Woman Honeymooning Alone Without Her Visa-Less Husband Are Everything

Huma Mobin is swiftly becoming an internet hero.
After her husband, Arsalaan Sever Butt, was rejected for the visa he needed to go to Greece, Mobin decided to go on the honeymoon anyway, according to BuzzFeed.
Mobin, an ad agency creative manager, went on the trip with her new in-laws. Instead of lamenting the absence of her beloved Butt, she decided to have some fun.
She posed in a series of photos, posted Saturday, with her arm around a phantom husband, looking distressed.
When Mobin's phone slipped out of her hands and into the Aegean Sea, BuzzFeed reported, another phantom entered the photos:
Who says a honeymoon is supposed to be for two?
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