6 Feminist Quotes All Women Can Use to Shut Down Creeps on Tinder

Any woman who's ever used a dating app has probably had her share of dick picks and sexist pickup lines. Dating apps have gotten so bad that a cast of recurring characters has emerged, from the guy who won't stop asking for nude pics to the guy that melts down when women don't respond right away.
Sometimes, these guys are publicly shamed after their bad behavior goes viral, as was the case with the man who told Takara Allen, an Australian woman of color, that she would look prettier if she bleached her skin. But the vast majority of suitors simply slink back into the cesspool of anonymous dating app hopefuls.
Thankfully, there's a way to respond to shockingly sexist messages on Hinge and Tinder, thanks to these badass feminist celebrities. Here are some feminist quotes ready-made to shut down any unsuspecting misogynist who slides into your DMs.
1. For the guy who says you're arrogant or that your standards are too high.
If you've ever received a message from a dude who just can't understand why you're not interested in dating him, novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche has the perfect response for you, per her famous 2013 "We are all feminists" TEDTalk:
2. For men offering unsolicited advice or commentary about your appearance.
In 2015, Senator Claire McCaskill shared a list with Late Show host Stephen Colbert about topics women are sick of hearing men's opinions about, including female body hair removal. When it comes to what women choose to do with their own bodies, she has one simple piece of advice: "shut the hell up."
3. For men who whine about having to pay for dates:
If your Tinder date demands that you pay him back for your coffee date, as was the case with this incredibly cheap dude on Tinder, he needs to hear the lyrics to the classic 1999 girl power anthem, TLC's "No Scrubs."
4. For men who slut-shame you:
Earlier this year, pop starlet and queen of the clapback Ariana Grande penned the perfect retort for any guy who thinks shaming a woman for her sexuality is OK.
5. For guys just looking for a booty call:
British author Mary Wollstonecraft was one of the godmothers of the women's rights movement. She also knew just how to respond to emotionally unavailable fuckbois who are only looking for a quickie, as she demonstrated in a quote from one of her 1795 letters to her lover Gilbert Imlay:
6. For the guy who attacks you for having the word "feminist" in your profile:
Some guys just aren't interested in acknowledging the patriarchy and opening their eyes to the world around them. Tinder user and Feminist Tinder Instagram creator Laura Nowak learned this firsthand when she was harassed by men who were appalled that she self-identified as a feminist on her profile. Luckily, in her book All About Love: New Visions, author bell hooks knew just what to say to sexist assholes who just want to bask in their own privilege.
Armed with these wise words, you're ready to navigate the world of online dating. May you find love while refusing to take shit from fuckbois and creepers.
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