This Dad Tried to Fight Breastfeeding Stigma In the Silliest Way Possible

When it comes to viral breastfeeding content, you might think you've seen it all. Women have boldly posed for photographs while breastfeeding their babies in a variety of public spaces in an effort to combat stigma and shaming that sometimes surrounds the act.
But the latest video to tackle the subject comes from an unlikely person: a man!
It also comes from an unlikely location: beneath a blanket!
"As a dad and a husband, I've had enough of this asinine argument," extremely enlightened dad Brock Smith wrote in the caption for a video posted to Facebook earlier this month. Smith was ostensibly referring to the common practice of women concealing their babies with blankets while breastfeeding in public, for fear of exposing their nipples.
Smith told People that the video was an impromptu response to his 2-month-old daughter's fussiness while his wife tried to breastfeed her.
"This evening was abnormally hot, and our daughter Everly was having a rough time latching to my wife because she was hot and uncomfortable under the cover," he told the site. "So my wife says, 'Well, Brock, would you like to eat underneath a blanket!?' So, trying to find the fun in everything, I threw a blanket over my head for the rest of my meal and dessert."
The result is a cheeky little video that happens to be highly reminiscent of that one scene in Sex and the City 2 when Carrie finds herself fascinated by a woman who eats French fries from underneath a large veil.
But anyway — cheers to the eradication of breastfeeding-shaming!
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