Hillary Clinton's Staff Is Reading All of Donald Trump's 5,500 Lawsuits on Facebook Live

The Hillary Clinton campaign just cranked its Donald Trump insult game up a notch with a personal challenge. On Tuesday, Clinton's staff announced they would attempt to name every one of the 5,500 lawsuits involving the presumptive Republican nominee on Facebook Live in under four hours.
Over the course of Trump's more-than year-long campaign alone, the businessman has accumulated a handful of lawsuits related to a former campaign aide, Trump University and countless other business ventures.
Last week, Trump sued ex-aide Sam Nunberg over an alleged breach of confidentiality, seeking a $10 million settlement. An anonymous source told Mic, "The papers in the lawsuit threaten to expose a number of things in the Trump campaign that are embarrassing, such as sexual relationships between very top staff."
The unnamed source called the lawsuit a "sideshow."
Certainly, if nothing else, the lawsuits serve as an unwelcome distraction for the Trump campaign.
The nominee managed to temporarily dodge what may have been the most damaging of the suits when a judge presiding over two Trump University cases decided to postpone the trials under after the election. Still, Trump cried foul, saying the judge couldn't oversee the suits because his Mexican descent made him biased.
In May, a USA Today investigation found that Trump's businesses "have been involved in at least 100 lawsuits and other disputes related to unpaid taxes or how much tax his businesses owe." Of course, the findings prove revealing since Trump has refused to procure his federal tax returns, as is customary for GOP candidates since the '70s, according to Politifact.
Clinton's Facebook live video, which was an hour in at the time of publication, is a way for the Democratic candidate to turn the accusations of dishonesty and untrustworthiness typically directed toward her back on Trump.
"When one of your businesses fails, you declare bankruptcy and pass the cost onto workers and small businesses," read a letter the Clinton campaign posted earlier Tuesday for voters to sign. "You say you'll make America great again while manufacturing shirts in China and ties in Bangladesh, but who cares as long as you can fit that slogan of yours on a hat?"
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