Democratic Convention 2016 Day 4: Speakers, Start Time, How to Watch and More

The final day of the 2016 Democratic National Convention is upon us.
On Friday morning, the Democrats will pack up and head home from Philadelphia with their newly-appointed presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, in tow. But before they do, there's one more day (the event kicks off at 10 a.m. Eastern) of festivities on the docket.
So, what's in store for us on Day 4?
At long last — Hillary
On Wednesday night, political heavyweights like Vice President Joe Biden, former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, sitting President Barack Obama and Clinton's vice presidential running mate Tim Kaine all delivered remarks to the crowd assembled at the Wells Fargo Center.
But on Thursday, after four days of revelry and keynote addresses, Clinton will finally take the main stage to officially accept her nomination as the Democratic presidential candidate, with a highly anticipated and potentially career-defining speech.
The former First Daughter
Just as Ivanka Trump did in Cleveland last week for her father, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, Chelsea Clinton will serve as a character witness for her mother on Thursday night.
Chelsea, who recently gave birth to her second child, has always been engaged in her mother's political endeavors — and her involvement with her 2016 presidential campaign has been no exception.
Full livestream footage of Wednesday night's convention coverage is available here.
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