Brown vs Warren Debate Schedule: New Warren vs Brown Poll Shows Senator Ahead
According to a UMass Lowell/Boston Herald poll released Wednesday evening, incumbent Scott Brown leads challeger Elizabeth Warren 50% to 44% among registered voters in the race for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts. Among likely voters, Brown's lead is 49% to 45%. The poll has a 5.3% margin of error. It is already the fourth released this week. (PolicyMic will provide updates and live-blog tonight's debate here.)
Warren led in each of the four previous polls conducted. Last week, a survey conducted by Western New England University showed Warren leading 50% to 44%, in what was the first poll taken since Democratic National Convention, where Warren delivered an impassioned and well-received 15-minute speech in which she described herself as "the warm-up act for [former] President Bill Clinton."
The Brown-Warren race is already the most expensive in Massachusetts history. It is also one of the most expensive congressional races in the country, if not the most expensive, and has been closely watched on both the state and national level. Additionally, it may be the most frequently polled, as this listing of surveys from Real Clear Politcs illustrates.
Money has been pouring into both campaigns as Democrats attempt to take back the seat once held by Ted Kennedy, and Republicans try to hang on for dear life in one of the most liberal states in the country.
Four debates are scheduled between the Brown and Warren:
Sep. 20: Hosted by WBZ-TV, Channel 4
Oct. 1: Hosted at UMass Lowell's Tsongas Center
Oct. 10: Hosted at Springfield's Symphony Hall and broadcast live on several media outlets, including CBS-3 Springfield, ABC-40/Fox6, and on WFCR 88.5 FM
Oct. 30: Hosted by a Boston media consortium
Election Day is Tuesday, November 6.