Alleged Former Warner Bros. Employee Slams Company's Movies in Brutal Open Letter

If you've been disappointed with Warner Bros.' slate of poor superhero movies — the highly anticipated Suicide Squad being the latest such film — imagine how it feels to be a former studio employee. For one alleged former employee, Suicide Squad was the final straw.
In an open letter to CEO Kevin Tsujihara posted on Pajiba, a supposed former employee using the pseudonym Gracie Law (presumably named after the character in Big Trouble in Little China) explains she planned to write the letter for a few years — especially after the middling response to the Superman reboot Man of Steel — but decided to wait for Suicide Squad's release.
She writes:
I love David Ayer. I love Harley Quinn. I love Will Smith. Put the letter in a drawer. The ship isn't sinking anymore. Everything is fine. There's no way this movie is bad.
She continues by explaining these decisions go beyond the poor critical reviews: They've had implications on people she used to work with, who were laid off after repeated failures — highlighting nonsuperhero films that tanked such as Max, Pan, Jupiter Ascending and the Point Break remake.
But perhaps most concerning for DC Comics fans: She says "people inside" already see the Wonder Woman movie as "another mess."
She concludes:
What are you even doing? I wish to God you were forced to live out of a car until you made a No. 1 movie of the year. ... It is almost impressive how you keep rewarding the same producers and executives for making the same mistakes, over and over.
Read the full open letter on Pajiba.