Here's where Hillary Clinton stands on the most important issues facing millennials

A growing number of millennials are #WithHer.
According to a recent USA Today/Rock the Vote poll, 56% of voters age 18 to 34 support Hillary Clinton for president, while 20% back her opponent, Republican businessman Donald Trump.
And many millennials who backed Bernie Sanders are now joining the Clinton campaign.
So where does the former first lady, New York senator and secretary of state stand on the most critical issues facing millennials?
Clinton wants to spend $20 billion to create "millions of new career opportunities for young Americans," and offer a $1,500 tax credit for employers that create apprenticeships, according to her recently released jobs plan for millennials.
She also wants to provide free community college, free tuition at public colleges for "working families" and offer student loan debt relief. Her plan also involves cutting taxes and "red tape" for small businesses.
"More than half of America's millennials say they want to start a business — but barriers like student debt and a lack of access to credit are holding young people back," Clinton said.
Clinton says she does not support the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade agreement among 12 Pacific Rim countries, and vows to create 10.4 million jobs in four years. She also supports raising the minimum wage to at least $12 an hour.
Clinton promises to end "quarterly capitalism," simplify tax filing for small businesses and create an "exit tax" for businesses that move overseas. She also wants to negotiate better trade deals.
"It's true that too often, past trade deals have been sold to the American people with rosy scenarios that did not pan out," she said Aug. 11 an economic speech in Michigan.
Social issues
Clinton says she would work to pass the Equality Act, which would expand federal civil rights protections to LGBT community, and vows end anti-LGBT discrimination "in every aspect of public life."
Clinton wants to guarantee up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave. She's pro-choice and supports federal funding for Planned Parenthood, even though her vice presidential pick, Virginia Sen. Tom Kaine, is against abortion.
Regarding policing and race issues, before meeting with law enforcement officials in New York City, Clinton said, "It's obvious that recent events from Dallas and Baton Rouge to Milwaukee and across the country underscore how difficult and important the work is ahead of us to repair the bonds of trust and respect between our police officers and our community."
"We have to be clear eyed about the challenges we face," she said. "We can't ignore them. And certainly we must not inflame them."
Clinton said she wants to put an end to racial profiling, supports body cameras for police officers and reforming the judicial system, according to her campaign website.
Clinton says she will enact "comprehensive" immigration reform during her first 100 days in office. She supports "a path to full and equal citizenship" for undocumented immigrants.
"If you work hard, if you love this country, if you contribute to it and want nothing more than to build a good future for yourselves and your children, we should give you a way to come forward and become a citizen," she said in a speech in December at the National Immigrant Integration Conference in Brooklyn, New York.
Clinton routinely lambasts Trump's plan to build a wall on the border of Mexico and conduct "extreme vetting" of Muslims trying to enter the country. "We need every American community invested in this fight, not fearful and sitting on the sidelines,' she says on her campaign website. She also says she would launch "an intelligence surge" to combat domestic terrorism.
Foreign policy
Clinton wants to step up the air campaign against the Islamic State group, according to her campaign website, and increase support for Kurdish forces fighting the terrorist group. As a former secretary of state, she pushes a diplomatic solution in Syria and Iraq, "both of which have contributed to the rise of ISIS."
Clinton proposes working more closely with European intelligence and the tech industry to fight terrorism, and wants the FBI to be able to prevent suspected terrorists from buying guns.
Clinton often touts her experience as secretary of state, saying "Unlike [Trump], I have some experience with the tough calls and the hard work of statecraft."
"I have sat in the Situation Room and advised the president on some of the toughest choices he faced," she said during a speech in June in San Diego.
Clinton does not support privatizing the Department of Veterans Affairs, but promises to help reform the embattled agency and improve care for veterans.
Clinton has laid out an energy plan that includes installing half a billion solar panels during her first term, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 30 percent in 2025 and cut emissions by 80 percent by 2050, and generate "enough clean renewable energy to power every home in America within a decade," according to her campaign website.
In an editorial in the San Jose Mercury News, Clinton wrote she plans to establish an American Parks Trust Fund, help build the "outdoor economy, promote water conservation and rehabilitate 3,000 city parks in 10 years.
"While protecting sensitive areas where development poses too great a risk, we can accelerate our transition to a clean energy economy by increasing renewable energy generation on public lands and offshore waters tenfold within a decade," she wrote.