Time to stop using your Poke Radar — unless you want to get banned from 'Pokémon Go'

Poke Radar is a super helpful tool to help you find more Pokémon in Pokémon Go. Unfortunately, you really shouldn't be using it anymore. If you get caught, you could get banned from the game altogether.
What is Poke Radar? Poke Radar is a website and app for iOS and Android that shows you what Pokémon are around you. You don't even have to get up and walk around. Just go to your location on the map and observe the monsters in your area.
Poke Radar even lets your search for specific Pokémon. Looking for a Meowth? Just choose it from the dropdown menu on the website to see where they're hiding out. It's ridiculously convenient.
Why shouldn't you use it? As cool as Poke Radar is, it goes against Pokémon Go's terms of service, which forbids players from using third-party services to play the game. Here's specifically what the terms say:
By way of example, and not as a limitation, you agree that when using the Services and Content, you will not: attempt to access or search the Services or Content, or download Content from the Services through the use of any technology or means other than those provided by Niantic or other generally available third-party web browsers (including, without limitation, automation software, bots, spiders, crawlers, data-mining tools, or hacks, tools, agents, engines, or devices of any kind).
If you're caught going against the app's terms of service, you could be banned from Pokémon Go. The company behind the game, Niantic Labs, is issuing both temporary and permanent bans on people using third-party apps and sites to play Pokémon Go.