A bigot tried to rip off 2 Muslim women's hijabs, said to "get the fuck out of America"

A Brooklyn woman berated two Muslim women while they were pushing their babies in strollers near Bath Beach. The perpetrator, identified as Emirjeta Xhelili, punched the women's faces and tried to yank off their hijabs, according to the New York Daily News.
During the Thursday afternoon attack, Xhelili, 32, allegedly told the 23-year-old women to "Get the fuck out of here," according to the case's prosecutors. She also said, "Get the fuck out of America, bitches."
According to prosecutors, she added, "This is America — you shouldn't be different from us."
Both the women and their babies were not badly hurt, police told the New York Daily News.
Xhelili was charged with misdemeanor assault.
"She didn't even care for the well-being of a baby — that's how serious this hate crime is," Assistant District Attorney Kelli Muse said at Xhelili's arraignment in Brooklyn Criminal Court, according to the Daily News, noting that Xhelili even tried to knock over one of the babies' carriages.
According to Muse, Xhelili continued to taunt the two women even as she was in police custody, only a half-hour after the incident.
Xhelili's Facebook page, which is under the name Mary Magdalene, is full of strange, hateful messages set in all caps.
Just prior to the attack on Thursday, Xhelili posted the above note, reading "What is your Allah doing to me? It's kissing my ass, that's what he is doing!" Some of her other Facebook posts refer to seeing "aliens with black skin" at the post office.
Several of the assailant's tweets indicate that she supports Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Islamophobia and Islamophobic attacks have flourished in the wake of Trump's presidential run — even though they are an epic waste of time. 2015 turned out to be the worst year for mosque attacks on record, and anti-Muslim attacks have continued into 2016.