Hillary Clinton calls Donald Trump a terrorist recruiting tool after Chelsea bombing

Hillary Clinton on Monday reaffirmed that she won't adopt Donald Trump's plan to ban Muslim immigrants after the apparent terrorist attacks in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota over the weekend, saying Trump's plan only makes the threat of terrorism worse.
Speaking to reporters at a news conference at an airport in New York, Clinton said America will tackle the threat of terrorism with better intelligence from local and federal law enforcement officials, as well as with experts Silicon Valley who can help squash the Islamic State group's recruitment efforts online — adding that in the process, Americans won't "turn on each other or undermine our values."
"We know that a lot of the rhetoric we've heard from Donald Trump has been seized on by terrorists, in particular ISIS, because they are looking to make this into a war against Islam," Clinton said. "They want to use that to recruit more fighters to their cause by turning it into a religious conflict. That's why I've been very clear, we're going after the bad guys and we're going to get them — but we're not going to go after an entire religion."
Clinton went on to tout her experience in combatting terrorism, saying she's the "only candidate in this race who has been part of the hard decisions to take terrorism off the battlefields." The former secretary of state called for a ramped-up air campaign against ISIS targets.
She also slammed Trump for not having any plans.
"You don't hear a plan from him," Clinton said. "He keeps saying he has a secret plan. Well, the secret is he has no plan."
Trump, for his part, responded to the attacks Monday morning during a phone interview with Fox News, in which he offered no specifics on how he would combat the threat of terrorism.
When asked for specifics, Trump said he would "be very tough" and "knock the hell out of them." The Republican candidate also boasted that he "called it" regarding the bombing in New York City's Chelsea neighborhood, having dubbed the attack a bombing hours before officials made that determination.