The New York Times just endorsed Hillary Clinton for the presidency


The "Gray Lady" is with her.

A post published by the editorial board of the New York Times on Saturday announced that the paper has unsurprisingly chosen to endorse Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for president of the United States.

The editorial claims that Clinton is the best person to navigate the country through the thicket of "bigoted, tribalist movements," that it currently finds itself mired in: 

The 2016 campaign has brought to the surface the despair and rage of poor and middle-class Americans who say their government has done little to ease the burdens that recession, technological change, foreign competition and war have heaped on their families.

The Times is historically left-leaning, and has endorsed Clinton in the past: In 2008, the paper published an editorial in which it chose her over then-Senator Barack Obama for the New York Democratic primary election.

Now, in 2016, the Times seems eager to gloss over Clinton's "occasional missteps," notably rushing past her foreign policy blunders in Libya during her time as Secretary of State and her notorious email scandal.

"She has evinced a lamentable penchant for secrecy and made a poor decision to rely on a private email server while at the State Department," the editorial reads. "That decision deserved scrutiny, and it's had it."

The editorial also signal-boosts Clinton's favorable qualities as a candidate, rather than framing her as a last line of defense against a Trump presidency.

"Our endorsement is rooted in respect for her intellect, experience, toughness and courage over a career of almost continuous public service, often as the first or only woman in the arena," the editorial reads.

The Times noted that it will publish a separate editorial dedicated to the reasons it believes Clinton's inflammatory Republican rival, Donald Trump, to be "the worst nominee put forward by a major party in modern American history," on Monday.