A 7-year-old Syrian girl and her mother are posting haunting Tweets about living in Aleppo

Seven-year-old Bana al-Abed and her mother, Fatemah, have been using Twitter to document their haunting and terrifying experience living in Aleppo, Syria.
"[It's] very bad and fearful — there's bombing everyday for the last two weeks," Fatemah wrote in a Twitter direct message.
The duo's Twitter account has been active since September and a number of their tweets have gone viral. A picture of Bana reading to "forget the war," posted Sept. 26, has garnered more than 2,500 likes and nearly 2,000 retweets.
In one video posted Monday, Bana says to the camera, after the side of their house was damaged during a night of bombing, "Last night was miracle, we are saved."
Another video from Sunday shows Bana standing by their window covering her ears as bombs can be heard exploding outside.
Shortly after, the mother and daughter tweeted they were uncertain they would survive the night and appealed to their followers to pray for them.
When asked if they have tried to leave Aleppo, Fatemah wrote, "No, we just want this [to] stop and [to] live here; we love our city."
Fatemah said she Tweets with the hopes of drawing attention to the reality of the Syrian civil war and to hopefully enact change: "I want to talk to the world about our lives here and draw attention to the horror here. ... I really want them [the world] to help us now because governments [have] failed."
Since the war began in Syria five years ago, Russia has supported President Bashar al-Assad's regime, largely in the form of airstrikes. While Russia's participation is ostensibly to stave off ISIS, Russian airstrikes "predominantly target moderate Syrian opposition forces," said State Department spokesman Mark Toner, according to Al Jazeera.
In recent weeks, government forces have assailed Aleppo with bombs as part of an attempt to reclaim the city from rebels, killing hundreds, many of them children. Aid workers are among the dead, making humanitarian assistance all but impossible.
"We are only living with stored rice and pasta," Fatemah wrote. "Hospitals are damaged daily, hundreds of kids died."