Kim Kardashian West robbery: Kourtney Kardashian breaks her silence on Twitter

Days after her sister Kim Kardashian West was tied-up and robbed at gunpoint in a Paris hotel, Kourtney Kardashian broke her social media silence, tweeting out what appears to be a photo of a page from a book of daily devotionals along with a "prayer hands" emoji on Wednesday night.
The passage that Kardashian tweeted out, which is about finding joy in hardship, seems to be a nod to the family's recent trauma: "Remember that joy is not dependent on your circumstances. Some of the world's most miserable people are those whose circumstances seem the most enviable. ... If you make problem-solving secondary to the goal of living close to Me, you can find Joy even in your most difficult days."
News broke on Sunday night that Kim Kardashian West was reportedly bound by her hands and feet and locked in a bathroom in her Paris hotel room while two armed men, dressed as police, stole $10 million worth of valuables. Kardashian West's spokesperson told CNN she was physically unharmed during the incident, but "badly shaken."
More disturbing details about the incident slowly emerged over the following days — including the news that Kardashian West reportedly feared she would be raped during the robbery.
Kourtney's tweet, which includes a passage from the Old Testament's Book of Habakkuk, encourages followers to remain joyful in the face of adversity.
Kourtney is the first of the Kardashian sisters to Tweet after the robbery — it's been radio silence from the rest on Twitter, which is notable in a family famous for broadcasting its most intimate moments on social media.
On Wednesday, Kardarshian West's former stepfather, Caitlyn Jenner, did acknowledge the robbery on Instagram on Wednesday, sharing a photo of Kim along with the caption, "Love my girl! After hearing the full story, I'm so thankful she's okay. It's a reminder for us all to be careful in the uncertainty of this world."
Kourtney's tweet was liked thousands of times and inspired an onslaught of supportive messages from well-wishers:
But, even when a Kardashian tweets out scripture, there are always some haters here to accuse her of thirsting for attention.