Family of Capt. Humayun Khan: "The only thing that Donald Trump sacrifices is the truth"


During Sunday night's second presidential debate, Republican nominee Donald Trump repeated a familiar lie — that he was against the war in Iraq since the beginning. 

This time, Trump took the lie a touch further, saying Capt. Humayun Khan, a Muslim soldier who was killed in Iraq in 2004 and whose family Trump disrespected following the Democratic National Committee, "would have been alive" had he been president back then. 

Capt. Khan's family, however, is not tolerating Trump using their son's name to score political points, releasing a statement shortly after the debate: 

We know that our son, Capt. Humayun Khan, is an American hero. We also know that Donald Trump is not telling the truth when he says he was against the Iraq war. Our son served this country with honor and distinction, and gave the ultimate sacrifice. The only thing that Donald Trump sacrifices is the truth.

Khizr Khan, Capt. Khan's father, famously called out Trump at the DNC in July, saying Trump has "sacrificed nothing" and offered to let him read his copy of the United States Constitution. 

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