Samsung Galaxy Note 7 recall: What to do so the phone won't explode in your face

Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 is on fire, and not in a good way. Samsung's latest smartphone has been exploding and injuring people since it was first released, thanks to a hardware defect. Now, even the "safe" replacement Galaxy Note 7 that the company has been giving customers are exploding.
Samsung finally gave in and issued a full safety recall on the Galaxy Note 7 and stopped all sales and exchanges on Tuesday. The company writes that it is investigating the problems.
These issues have sent Samsung's stock tumbling, while Apple's stock is at its highest since last December.
If you're one of the millions of people who bought a Samsung Galaxy Note 7, here's how Samsung recommends you handle it.
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 recall: Here's what to do if you own one
Run. No, just kidding, you'll be fine. If you have either an original or a replacement Galaxy Note 7, you need to turn your phone off, stop using it and contact the retailer that sold it to you, Samsung says. The company provides contact information for major cell phone carriers and some frequently asked questions on its website.
You'll get a full refund and some retailers will even give you a $25 gift card, Samsung writes.
No other Samsung phones are being recalled.
While exploding smartphones are thankfully a rare occurrence, the Galaxy Note 7 isn't the first phone to blow up. Not only do phones explode on occasion, but so do hoverboards, electronic cigarettes and drones. Why? They all have the same type of battery.
The Galaxy Note 7, like those other electronics, uses a lithium ion battery. These batteries are powerful, and manufacturers don't always adhere to regulations. Damage to the device can damage the battery, making it more likely to explode. You don't need to worry about other smartphones or devices right now, but if you have a Galaxy Note 7, just get rid of it ASAP.
If you still want an Android, it's a good time to ditch Samsung. With the new Pixel line of smartphones, Google is about to dominate the market.